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How to have the perfect smile?,

For this, a detailed laughing line planning should be done first.

In this planning, the position of the teeth in the jaw, form, alignment, color, gingival compatibility, health and their relationship with the cheeks and lips are evaluated as a whole.

What is gum aesthetics?

If a porcelain is to be made, the gingival lengths of each tooth should be in a certain harmony.
Otherwise, the sizes of the porcelain teeth will also be incompatible, which will not create an ideal smile.

How is gum aesthetics achieved?

There are cavities called gingival pockets around each tooth. If this pocket is of sufficient depth, the gum is not obeyed by a simple and bleeding-free procedure (laser).

Is it normal for gums to appear while laughing?

The harmony of lips and teeth in an ideal and positive smile is the basis of a smile.
In cases the tooth length is short and the upper jaw is sagging, or the upper lip length is insufficient, the smile cannot be as beautiful.
In such cases, if there is enough distance, the length of the teeth can be extended, making the gum less visible and an ideal smile.

Why is gum aesthetics important in porcelain and lamina planning?

The gums are soft tissues that surround and nourish the bone tissue that surrounds the teeth and allow them to hold in the mouth.
When porcelain and lamina are to be made, it is important for the gums to be healthy and compatible for the retention and aesthetics of the teeth in the mouth.
Even if the porcelain and laminates are made as beautiful as desired, if the gum health is not good, the coatings will threaten the gum health and cause the aesthetics to deteriorate.
The laughing line should draw a slope starting the corners of the lip and deepening towards the front teeth. The alignment of the gums should also be in the same plane of the lines passing between the small molars.

Are the procedures performed painful?

Many products that do not feel pain during anesthesia have been developed in contemporary dentistry. Thus, no pain is felt during and after the procedure.